Theme WordPress untuk Website Berita, Powermag dari Kentooz - Halo sobat blogger Indonesia! Kali ini saya akan share template WordPress magazine terbaru untuk website berita, majalah online atau blog personal gado-gado.
Template WordPress magazine yang diluncurkan tanggal 16 Januari 2016 oleh Gian Mokhamad Ramadhan di laman ini diberi nama Powermag Powerfull Magazine WordPress Theme.
Latest magazine theme you must have. This theme is woocommerce support. Blazing fast load with jquery lazy load include in theme. Not only that, this theme fully support kentooz socializer for social button and social widget solution. Widgeting homepage and this theme have a lot of high CTR ads place.
Fitur Powermag Powerfull Magazine WordPress Theme:
* Responsive theme
* Woocommerce support
* RETINA Ready
* 650+ Retina icon
* 5 post format
* Gallery post format
* Fast loading with lazy load
* SEO optimize on page
* Built in breadcrumbs and page navigation
* Support infinite scroll page navigation
* Google rich snippet ready (Breadcrumbs)
* Unlimited color schemes.
* Includes more 100 type shortcode.
* Unlimited color scheme
* More 10 Widget ready
* Sidebar left or right layout
* Fullwidth page template
* Flexible squeezepage
* Modern megamenu and mobile menu
* Includes mo, po language in both theme and admin panel
* UI admin panel and meta boxes
* Integrated more than 500 google font
* Built with CSS3 and HTML5 from bootstrap
* BBPress support
* Related post
* Widgeting homepage, widget in archive and single post too.
* Dynamic background.
* Dynamic and exclusive sidebar.
* Include kentooz socializer plugin
* Built in facebook comment
* Beatifull and responisve slider
* Support autoptimize and wp super cache plugin
* Fully support with SEO yoast
* Clean code
* Documentation
* Support email
Powermag Powerfull Magazine WordPress Theme ini dibanderol dengan harga $15. Bagi sobat yang ingin melihat versi demo dan ingin mendownloadnya bisa langsung meluncur ke situs pembuatnya di
Demikianlah, semoga bermanfaat.
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